Got some good news I wanted to alert YOU to. Sometime ago, I teamed up with Pete the Printer. If you dont know who Pete is ... Pete has worked with Dan Kennedy since the late 60s. They are like frick and frack. Pete and I formed a site devoted to marketing tools for the small business and entrepreneurs of the world -- doctors, dentists, … [Read more...]
What Is A Qi Toon
About a year ago I was attending a seminar on internet marketing in Tampa Florida where I met a very large but soft spoken man with incredible talent who became my good friend and patient. In addition he taught me something about Qi. When I first met Vincent Palko and shook his big meaty hand my first impression was "My goodness, what … [Read more...]
Does Music Make Your Prospect to Buy
I was ready to cry. Twas in Big Box usa store returning a piece of crap battery recharger for my video camera. Walked up to the customer service counter and waited in line. Stood 5 feet behind one guy before me. I couldnt help but notice the sappy song blairing over the loud speaker. Something about... "HOW do I breathe without youuu.... How … [Read more...]
Dan Kennedy Markets Using Cartoons
I have been away for a long, long time and have not written. But I have been thinking about you. I've been wanting to share the good news and just havent had an available second to do so. Why. Well, read on. Earlier in the year, I went out to my mailbox and found a letter with a check in it from none other that Dan Kennedy. The guy who has … [Read more...]
Get Yourself A Cartoon
By James Whelan I just commissioned another cartoon of the ad worlds #1 I love cartoons, and so do most people that I know. They're fun, and they make people laugh, so I'm all for that. They also make people remember who you are, just like a rhinestone studded red, white, and blue tuxedo that I happen to own. The tuxedo is one of a … [Read more...]