Technology… It can be so challenging to sell, right? If you have ever sold technology you understand. And it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about computers, the cloud, or any other technological "doohickey” that helps people and businesses. When you share the benefits… no matter how spectacular… your potential customers’ eyes just glaze … [Read more...]
Make the Complex Simple with Whiteboard Videos
Before I had kids I vowed never to exploit them like I had seen in commercials for local car dealers (they probably do the same thing in your town, right?). But my daughter Vivian’s squeaky voice made it so hard to resist. Maybe you’ve already seen this video. It’s taking social media by storm, generating 5% viral traffic – every 18th viewer is … [Read more...]
Selling Fear Using Whiteboard Animation
If you're in the insurance industry, a financial advisor, a CPA, or in the technology space… then you know it can be challenging to sell a product or service because your client can't see, feel, or hear it! It’s not something tangible, in other words. If that’s been your experience then keep reading because I have a way to solve that problem. … [Read more...]
How to Wake Up Panning for Gold
This weekend, I didn’t do squat for my business. And it felt sooooooooo good. In fact, I had some awesome quality time with my kids outside on a balmy winter day. The temp hit 45 degrees. We built a huge "snow run" off my back deck. It extended for about 30 yards. Lots of giggles and fun. And a sore back from shoveling 470 pounds of … [Read more...]
Bottom Liners Beware
Bottom liners… they are so much fun to work with. NOT! I just got off the phone with Derek, my sales director, and he told me about a conversation he had with someone who had filled out an application to work with us, the AdToons team. Let’s call this guy Mr. B&W. Derek said he began the conversation as he does with most folks … [Read more...]