Before I had kids I vowed never to exploit them like I had seen in commercials for local car dealers (they probably do the same thing in your town, right?). But my daughter Vivian’s squeaky voice made it so hard to resist. Maybe you’ve already seen this video. It’s taking social media by storm, generating 5% viral traffic – every 18th viewer is passing it on organically.
Viv’s young, intelligent, and squeaky voice is a “pattern interrupt” to what we typically hear when we click the play button on online videos.
“So what,” you say?
Well, a pattern interrupt can help a video hold your attention long enough to deliver a marketing message. And that is exactly what we gun for with every client we work with. It’s our passion and drive to create new and different approaches that separate your message from the rest of the noise out there.
Matt delivered the goods and more on the art side of this. And the little girl kinda resembles my daughter – with just a little less bulging eyeballs. Hahaha!
All in all, it came together well. My daughter even got to sit in on a company lunch feeling apart of the team. Sooo cool!
Lastly, you should know that AdToons specializes in making the complex more complex. Huh? What do I mean by this, you might be wondering. Good question.
When you simplify a complex message, you can stack more and more information on top of it. Making it more complex and simple at the same time. Sounds counterintuitive, but it works.
We have done it hundreds of times before. Now it’s your turn.
It just so happens that the whiteboard animation featuring my lovely daughter above got the phone ringing off the hook for AdToons and that’s just what we can do for your business!
If you would like to see if we are a good fit to do business, yes, we are selective, click this link NOW!