I recently downloaded a marketing program. You know me – always trying to learn something new.
It was a pretty typical video. The so-called thought leader was on stage – simply talking at the audience. Not the best way to engage the crowd and drive learning home, by any means. I could only get through 2 out of the 10 videos. Since then I’ve tried go through them but every time I get stuck.
Have you had the same experience trying to watch online learning programs?
Painful experience, right?
It’s doesn’t have to be that way. More on that in just a moment…
Last week, I wrote about the power of the Toon vs. Live Action (like talking head videos).
Today, I’m going to show you something that goes against the grain of traditional sales training tools to deliver a unique and engaging experience.
Traditional sales learning tools have live action “trainers” who stand in front of the audience and talk… and talk… and talk.
Soon your eyes glaze over, and you begin to tune out their message.
The reason is …
We remember:
10% of what we read.
50% of what we see.
And 90% of what engages our brain through visuals and metaphors
That’s what takes us to a different approach to training videos.
A few months back, we had a friend (and now client) reach out to me with an unusual request. One I don’t typically hear.
“We are going to be your best client, and we will soon be in the range of your current best client’s 20 video production range. That’s right we need 20 AdToons”
We sometimes hear lofty claims from our excited clients, but this gent sounded a bit different.
This same client sent some amazing feedback. His name is Clark. He has an online training system for colleges to elicit more donations from their alumni.
They were hesitant at first. We decided the best approach to start working with them was to create a couple of whiteboard animation samples.
We started with these two below. A promo video to plant the seed for its success.
Promo –
Then a sample tutorial piece from inside the program.
Building Rapport –
This way they could begin promoting the program to their house list and other channels. Immediately, the prospects understand the power of the program and how engaging the material was.
Then we created the rest of the videos… here are a few of the many:
Introduction –
The Ask –
Topics of importance –
In these AdToons, we wanted a young, diverse mix of college students to help tell the story. The interplay between the donors and the college students is very engaging, especially when we add in visual anchors of what to have top of mind when going into the calls.
Your audience, no matter what age, has to be excited to go through the information you want them to understand and act on This is our thought process anyways.
We always consider how can we make the information super fun – so viewers breeze through easily and effortlessly AND retain the information.
Within a couple weeks, they came back to us and wanted us to build out the rest of their learning environment.
Step 1: Create a promotional video to sell the system.
That can be seen here: www.callermax.com
Step 2: Build out the framework of all the content
Step 3: Start visualizing the main introduction video for each chapter
Step 4: Repurpose the artwork from the main intro videos to use throughout the rest of the learning platform to create continuity and consistently across the system.
Once we had it all created they then went back to their contacts and offered them a demo license to understand how powerful the system was. The goal: to educate their students and get them up to speed on the basics of selling.
It went like gangbusters!
Here is Clark’s feedback.
Your great work and CallerMax is active at the following schools:
University of Alabama
American University
Central Michigan University
Saint Louis University
University of New Hampshire
University of Utah
California State University Northridge
Union College – NE
University of the Pacific
We are working on many more.
We are pushing for other videos beyond CallerMax as well. I have the University of Texas at Dallas interested in a promo video as well.
My response:
Awesome to hear Clark before you know it we will be at 20 video mark and maybe even surpass it.
So there you go. This is one of many ways to leverage the power of visual learning for your audience.
If you or a friend are in the training niche and want to make your presentations more powerful, then run over here and let’s have a one-on-one conversation about what AdToons can do for you.
Click here, to grab a spot in line and we’ll chat it up.
Vince Palko
P.S. Or call our offices at 419-841-3030