Here’s an article on video marketing. But first a little story.
Yesterday, I went to a business networking meeting that meets 5 minutes from my office.
Was amazed at how well the group’s energy was.
Then I stood up to share my 50 second commercial. A “commercial” where you stand up and speak to the room on what would be your elevator pitch. You follow?
Many went into their pitch and had it dialed in to just exactly 50 seconds. Seasoned pros, I thought.
To start my commercial, I asked a question …
“How many people here are taking advantage of video marketing?
Out of 22 people guess how many hands went up!?
Can you imagine this?
This is unheard of….how can it be?
I went on to discuss what we do at AdToons. But I could not get past the fact that the majority of people in the room don’t use videos in their marketing.
So today I thought I’d simplify my message and speak to YOU who may not use any video marketing… let alone AdToons whiteboard animation and all its benefits.
Gathered some data… check this out.
In 2018, the number of digital video viewers in the United States amounted to 228.8 million viewers and is projected to reach 248.9 million video viewers in 2022.Sep 30, 2019
That’s a gargantuan amount of video watching.
If you are not tapping into this audience who views your website, you are leaving heaps of money on the table.
Here are 5 great reasons to have video in your marketing, if you currently do not. Here they are…
Top 5 reasons to use video marketing
1) People don’t have time to read through walls of text
You have heard the phrase set up your marketing content at a 5th grade reading level. Yes, that works. But the reality is these days no one has time to put their thinking caps on and read. The days of putting up walls of text to explain what you do and how you add value are over. Prospects will watch video. They will watch a video on “the can.” In the car while driving. While waiting at the DMV. Why? It’s mindless and easy. We love to be entertained through video.
2) Delivers a clear, consistent message every time
Unlike new hires and different personalities that might deliver your tried and true message just a little different every time. Your video won’t. The message comes through clear and consistent. It’s like duplicating yourself a thousand times over. Putting your message on every street corner around the globe and shouting, “Hey look over here!” Then delivering your best sales person’s presentation to the world. Hopefully its not a PowerPoint presentation. Something that incorporates stories of success and transformation of your past clients.
3) Creates instant leverage
Once you have a video up and running you will experience the duplication-of-you- phenomenon. It’s a wonderful feeling to have someone reach out and say… “Hey, I saw your video and I really like what you do. I want to hear more.” The leverageable point to videos is they are easily shareable. You can copy and paste send it to a prospect or client. They can then easily click forward and send to other colleagues and clients easily and effortlessly.
4) Google loves video
Videos send your pages to the top of Google search. Here is why. This next piece is pulled right from Google. Google loves video content. In fact, Google loves video more than your 2000-word articles. There’s a simple reason why: Consumers like video content more than your 2000-word blog posts. … If you add a video to your social media account, it’s around 1200% more likely to be shared compared to text or link-based content. Apr 11, 2018. There is nothing more valuable in terms of traffic and making money than Google traffic to your business.
5) Video condenses time
Time is money. If videos are done right, they condense time for your viewers. Our AdToons videos consistently collapse 30 minutes of content from interviews with clients and squeezed that into 2 minutes. This saves your prospects valuable time to get the gist of what value you provide the world. The impact of this could be extraordinary. Even if your message is complex, a good video drops the duration down. Think of eLearning from an learning perspective. If you could take a 30 minute traditional boring talking-head-video and condense it into an explainer video or AdToons… you save a company tremendous amounts of time and money.