About a year ago I was attending a seminar on internet
marketing in Tampa Florida where I met a very large but soft
spoken man with incredible talent who became my good friend and
In addition he taught me something about Qi.
When I first met Vincent Palko and shook his big meaty hand my
first impression was “My goodness, what football team does this
guy play for?”
As it turns Vincent has played football professionally and from
what I understand he was quite good at it when he did but you
wouldn’t need to be a psychic to guess that.
He’s one of my biggest patients and I’ve worked on wrestlers
and martial artists for years.
When I got him on the table to give him a spinal adjustment I
started laughing and I think I was actually sore after working
on him.
What you wouldn’t guess, judging by his outward appearance, is
that he is an amazing artist. When I say that I mean that he
infuses his own energy into his artwork and you can feel that
when you look at his art.
The idea of an artist being able to infuse his energy into a
painting or calligraphy is commonly understood in China and
Japan where artists of this caliber are considered national
Qi Gong teaches us that: When a human is able to express
himself in a perfect circle and a perfect straight line
unassisted by any mechanical device that all the lines of force
and expression are at his command and a vehicle for
transmission of Qi energy.
This is true in all disciplines martial or otherwise.
When it comes to the pen Vincent is one such individual.
While Vincent has done several forms of art, he is most widely
known for his cartoons.
Surprisingly you can FEEL his energy coming from these
cartoons. I wouldn’t have believed it until I had seen and felt
it myself.
But Vincent is different, just like a Zen Calligrapher, he
actually meditates on his client and that clients product
before he begins to draw.
I am happy to say that I am now a proud owner of one of his
works of art.
It appears on my website and blog.
Check it out here -> http://RechargingQiGong.com and The blog at -> http://www.energymedicinefl.com/qigongblog/
Vincent has done cartoons for scores of internet marketers and
professionals, if you are looking to spice up and empower your
own website with Qi there’s no better way to do it than with
one of Vincents Adtoons and you can only get them at
The thing that I learned from Vincent and that you should
consider as well is that all forms of expression can be infused
with Qi.
Everything carries a vibration.
Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,
Dr. Wu Dhi
PS: There’s more back issues of Dr. Wu Dhi’s Health and
Longevity tips posted in the blog check it out here ->
Copyright© Dr Wu Dhi. http://www.energymedicinefl.com